

My name is Vita! I’m the biomass avatar. Do you know what it is?

It’s everything that comes from nature. We can convert organic material into energy using different methods.

As well as producing energy, we can help the planet by eliminating waste that would be very difficult to manage.


I’m Kelvin and I’m the geothermal energy avatar!

Did you know that the Earth’s nucleus is at a very high temperature?

This means it can be used to take advantage and transform it into different types of energy! We can obtain it thanks to the geothermal plants or even nature itself, just like with thermal springs.


I’m Céfir and I’m the wind energy avatar!

The wind blows in many directions all over the planet. We can generate energy thanks to the wind.

How? Through wind farms.

The wind moves the wind turbine blades and they convert it into energy!

Cation & Anion

Hello! We’re the green hydrogen avatars.

Did you know that hydrogen is the most abundant natural element?

We can obtain green hydrogen through a chemical process called electrolysis, which with the help of other renewable energies, breaks down the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.


I’m Hydra! I’m the hydropower avatar.

The movement of water is incredibly powerful, and we can benefit from it. Do you know how? We obtain energy by taking advantage of the currents or waterfalls.

It can be obtained via hydroelectric power plants, and even by using nature’s own water sources.


Hi, I’m Lux and I’m the solar energy avatar!

Did you know that this energy is taken straight from the sun? We’re talking about the star that allows life anywhere on planet Earth.

We capture radiation via solar panels and transform it into different types of energy.


I’m Volt! The energy storage avatar.

Did you know that renewable energies are intermittent and aren’t always available?

Energy storage is a great help here, as it can provide a constant, strong energy flow, meaning that in the event of a shortage, we can use the stored energy.
