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If you have any questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you’ll find the most frequently asked questions about Your Energy project and its adaptation to an online educational project. 

Either way, don’t hesitate to contact our team by e-mail.

How can I introduce Y.E.S into my gamification project?

Throughout the course, we’ll add material so that teachers can lead their subject and introduce the values of the renewable energies. However, if you need advice on how to introduce these or adapt them, contact our team so we can advise you on everything you’ll need.

Do I need to use the material in a specific way or time period?

All the content created for the Your Energy project is there for teachers to adapt all the material to both their own needs and those of their students.

Who certifies the Long Live Our Energy project?

Both the in-person and digital models of the Your Energy project are certified by the Asturian Education Office from Spain and it is supported by the Ministry of Education, through the Directorate General of Education from Portugal. 

This free project is certified by the Education Office and is created thanks to the EDP Foundation’s social commitment to the environment, leaving behind a commercial objective to focus solely on generating a discourse in favor of the environment in the classroom.